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Distributed by D.A.P., New York
(also signed copies available)

in Turkey
Homer Kitabevi
Robinson Crusoe

Photographic Resource Center - Boston
MFA bookstore
- Boston
BrooklineBooksmith - Brookline

The State of Ata is a visual book about the social themes that define contemporary Turkey and that specifically examines the imagery of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, its revolutionary leader after World War I.
This is an artists' book in its conception and design that weaves together photographs, interviews, artists' interventions and archival imagery. It is a critical visual exploration on the meaning of Ataturk's imagery and how it is used in Turkish society today.
During a twelve year period between 1997 and 2009, Mike Mandel and Chantal Zakari, two artists, one Turkish, one American, have become engaged in this project to better understand this conflict.

Ata'nin Devleti, cagdas Turkiye'yi ve Ataturk'un imajinin simgesel bir sekilde kullanilmasini belgeleyen, gorsel bir sanat calismasidir.
Kitabin tasarimi sanatcilar tarafindan cekilmis fotograflar, mulakatlar, sanat mudahaleleri ve arsivlerden edinilmis resimlerin birlesmesinden ibarettir. Ataturk'un imaji bugun Bati'lilasmanin bir sembolu ve Islamci bir politikanin karsiti olarak goruluyorsa da, gorsel sanatlar alaninda calisan biri Amerikali oteki Turk,bu iki sanatci, Mike Mandel ve Chantal Zakari, on iki sene boyunca konuyla ilgili calisarak, bu karmasik iliskiyi bu kitapta islediler.

book specs

8 x 9.25 inches
272 pages

in English with
a Turkish translation

includes a 16 page
insert Taxi Rides
a photo novella